My compilation of views from Michael
B Rush:
My work, in progress (last update: 7 Jan 2025), based on: His Books, A-Remnant-Shall-Return (the-second-coming-of-Jesus) Daniel 11, Revelation (The vision of John the divine), Delight in Plainness (Nephi & Isaiah), the Book of Enoch Vol 1, 2 and now 3 (Dec 2024) , youtube videos, direct replies to emailed questions I has asked Him and His web page (thelost10tribes). I continue to read and update this work as time permits
At this point in my studies I have come to refer to Michael’s views of the latter-days as ET (Extra Terrestrial) vision (enhanced in His latest book: Book of Enoch. BOE Volume 2 take us into a Starwars bar seen world with multiple strange beings). In His books He states that at first glance/take people will view what He puts forth as crazy…. I recommend you take some serious time to study, ponder and pray over what He presents.
Upon my house shall it begin:
Stout Horn
arrives on a star like object (Ships of chittim)
Wrap up of the secret combination/Whore Jan
The Watchers usurp control from the ten
conspiring men (3 of the ten are Ezra eagle heads plucked out by the Stout Horn
Easter 2026 might see a staged/false return
of “Christ” and His “Mother”
Initial cleansing of the earth begins in
Ezekiel’s flaming wheels represent the
restoration of the lost ten tribes.
is held after Michael returns and
New Jerusalem will descend and be built out
by the lost ten tribes as the Remnant of Jacob.
Righteous of the world will be gathered
into Zion/New Jerusalem by the 144,000.
John will protect
Rev Book>>>>>>>>
Seven Seals
will repeat with the Day of the Lord: (Rev Book: Page 107)
1. Watchers will return to
the earth.
2. Earth filled with
violence (by the hands of the watchers).
5. Saints
persecuted/killed for their testimonies.
<<<<From Daniel 11 book
(D11): >>>>
Not sure where Michael has
this next event coming, timing wise, but it will need to happen prior to the
Eagle events where the stout Horn takes out the Eagle heads… Stout Horn arrives
on a star like object (Ships of chittim) Wormwood/Watchers .
Also: …email From:
….. I believe the Stout Horn and Wormwood are one and the
same, and yes, I think he will be a watcher.
of the North and south Represent more than empires, they come to represent ideological
and philosophical differences. North = Western civilizations, South Islam.
king of the North is the 1st eagle head (One of three making up
the Secret Combinations) which takes over the
7:7, Rev 17:12-14 ten horns (Not ruling now
1st dies in bed (in pain: poisoned???) and the 2nd Head
takes over and retreats to the
Abomination of Desolation : This is
done in LDS temple(s), not the rebuilt
Ezra Eagle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Eagle: 45 years from mid vision (Nixon)
to end of the vision timeline (1974+ 45= 2019).
Eight total short feathers (not normal terms) 2 before (JFK,
Nixon) Six short feathers
(right side of eagle) to come (two move under the right head of
the eagle, 2 Esdras 11:Vs.24)
pondering: James T Prout in His
book The last Days Timeline, stated that the right side and left side of the
Eagle represent Good and Bad or puppets of the Secret Combinations/Bad and those
seeking freedom Good. Book was written in 2016 prior to the ultimate puppet
master/Biden’s term (right side/good feather) In His
book He saw the Republican party as good seeking a return to the constitution
and freedom and the last 4 short feathers being Trump then Pence then Speaker
of the house etc… I just sent Him a
message asking for His thoughts on the actual events that have played out in
that area. Page 19, A Remnant Shall Return: “…This physical separation is not a
political reference….segmentation is a demarcation of time..” I assume there is more to the left and right
placement of the feathers than just time since all the feathers represent
time. (see
James’s reply below)
Four Short feathers: current period: 1:Trump,
2:Biden, 3and 4:Harris/ Walz (Since they won’t make
it to elected status I assume the Speaker of the House is not in play here, I
also have left Trump off since He was to be no more since being short feather
1) : Last two will be taken out together
and at or around the same time as the end to Biden? And that will end the Rule of the US by
election process…. The Eagle heads take
over….(start of the Iron and Clay kingdom?. # heads are the
three horns of Daniel that lead to the Anit-Christ)
2 Esdras 11
Vs 27: Biden’s term will be shorter
than Trump…
Vs 29: When the last
two are set (assume) to serve the Middle Head awakens (then the other two also
Vs 31 heads eat up the last
two feathers… and the heads take over the
Vs 33 Middle head ends (dies in His bed)
Vs 34 Other two rule. (then die by
the craft of the stout horn/war)
Vs 35 right head eats the left. (and the final head ends and
the two last short feathers that went under the right head rule/anti-Christ and
false prophet) (Constitution hangs by a thread then saved with the lion of
Vs 37 roaring lion (Lion of Jacob/lost ten tribes ,D&C
101:55-58, Mormon
Three heads of Ezra’s Eagle (forerunner mouth to Anti-Christ
(Stout Horn) who takes out the final head… Daniel 7:20)
20 feathers (presidents) starting with Herbert Hoover ( The
one who set up the great whore of Babylon: Secret Combination: CFR) (my
extended research would put the founder/current lead of the whore with both
England’s roundtable RIIA and the US CFR… now United Nations)
2 Esdras 12: 11.. The 4th beast seen by Daniel is
the eagle kingdom.
<<<<<<<<<<<< Book of Enoch
Vol.1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Updates from Book
events from Book of Enoch:
The Watchers usurp control from the ten
conspiring men (3 of the ten Ezra eagle heads plucked out by the Stout Horn
Initial cleansing of the earth begins in
Ezekiel’s flaming wheels represent the
restoration of the lost ten tribes.
is held after Michael returns and
New Jerusalem will descend and be built out
by the lost ten tribes as the Remnant of Jacob.
Righteous of the world will be gathered
into Zion/New Jerusalem by the 144,000.
Wicked will flee
Chp 3:
Page 30:..” all His creations would visit the
earth in the last days when the New Jerusalem was established in
page 32: …”The basic premise of the Book of Enoch is that men from
elsewhere came to the earth and corrupted the prediluvian
page 33: ..”the curriculum in the Lord’s
University teach that to counteract the false doctrine… the Lord Himself sent
messengers to the earth from elsewhere”
(the Lord’s University = The Temple and elsewhere is talking about
Interstellar travel). …”the underlying
sub themes of our instruction at the Lord’s University is that interstellar
travel is possible and commonplace! If
you don’t understand this, why not spend more time with the Teacher after class
and ask Him about it?” (dispatches are from Gods
abode, Kolob, not just in heaven, somewhere above the
earth? I guess I need some after class time
with this concept)
pages 34-41 deal with items related to recent
news/releases dealing with ET type events… ( I need to
sort out my previous notes:… information that A Galactic Federation is acting
on events on earth. (Preventing nuclear war, release of Skin Walker Ranch
info…etc) (not finding the source text at my first run
Chp 4: Lucifer is cast to this earth only so
the watchers knew not of His works until they came to it.
Chp 7: starting on page 72 (72-77); Michael
summarizes latter day events covered in His other books.
The Watchers usurp control from the ten
conspiring men (3 of the ten Ezra eagle heads plucked out by the Stout Horn
Initial cleansing of the earth begins in
Ezekiel’s flaming wheels represent the
restoration of the lost ten tribes.
is held after Michael returns and
New Jerusalem will descend and be built out
by the lost ten tribes as the Remnant of Jacob.
Righteous of the world will be gathered
into Zion/New Jerusalem by the 144,000.
Wicked will flee
Chp 8: at a high level… The
History of Enoch and His people. Translation is to enable the
ministration of the Gospel ordinances to the inhabitants of many worlds.
Translated beings from this earth minister to other worlds, yet beings from
other worlds cannot minister to this world.
Every other fragment of earth that was removed will be restored in the
last days. The millennial earth will be
many times larger than it is now.
Chp 9: The Book of Enoch was written for our
Chp 11: In the last days we will be tried like
in the time of the watchers.
Page 119 …”The giants ran roughshod over the prediluvian
civilizations. Only the Watchers could hold them in check….Watchers status of
god-like power..”
Chp 12: page 128 ...”The rainbow…symbol of the
covenant…with Enoch to restore his people to the earth in the last days.”
An outward token of God’s covenant with Noah (Gen. 9:13; see also Ezek. 1:28; Rev. 4:3; 10:1). The rainbow no doubt existed before the Flood, but with
Noah the rainbow took on a new significance as the token of the covenant. JST Gen.
9:17–25 enlarges the terms of the covenant to include not only that the earth
will never again be covered with a flood of water, but also that the Zion of
Enoch will return and the Lord will come again to dwell on the earth (see Gen. 9:11 note c, 15 note b; JST Gen. 9:21–25 [Appendix]).
page 130 ...”The New
Jerusalem …. Would descend from heavens in the last days to be a refuge”
page 133 ...”Kittim,
or the ships of Chittim are associated with the Lost
ten Tribes of Israel” …”a portion of the
New Jerusalem will descend from the heavens… another portion shall be built
under the supervision of the Remnant of Jacob”
Chp 13: page 140 ...”Tartarus
or spirit prison….prisoners will remain here for ten thousand years until their
sins are consummated”
page 142 …”the terrible
contagion that has been quarantined here on earth will be released into the
cosmos.” …. “ after…the
millennium, another army will come to the earth from the ends of heaven” the final Gog and Magog battle
Chp 14: page 154-155 ...”Just as…Telestial, Terrestrial, and Celectial…so
are the grades within both
Chp 15: Wormwood and the arrival of the Stout
Horn are the same event..
page 169 …”the Stout Horn and his peers
will mingle with humanity but will not be the same as us.” …”Wormwood…
antichrist-the Stout Horn…… Assur….Isaiah…Assyrian”
page 170 …”
page 174 …”three men, a
man by the name of David and two prophets… David will restore the temple upon
the temple mount in
page 175 …”prices of Meshech and Tubal… Russia-Chinese
page 183 …”Lost tribes now reside was taken
from the North Pole and would be restored to that loction
in the last days”…”ships of Chittim do not represent
the entire body of the Lost Ten Tribes, just their army. This army will precede
the main body…fragment of the earth upon which they reside”
Chp 16:Portals
page 192 …”numerous
portals and that these are linked to different stars.”
page 196-197
…”inhabitants of every solar system in existence will visit the New Jerusalem
once it is brought to the Earth….Guarding each of these portals will be an
Chp 17: (2nd book of Enoch “Book of Parables”)
by a latter day secret/mystery (restoration of the House of Israel/return of
the lost 10 tribes/The great and Marvelous Work of God )
the righteous will be saved.
page 200 …”the Watchers
will be affiliated with the gods of this world in the last days.”
page 202-203 …”the
gathering of
<<< Part
two-Supplemental Information>>>
Chp 18:
page 210…”brothers and sisters across the Universe speak of
Christ, rejoice in Christ” (by what
name? not the English word Christ I assume. Then by the name Savior, Redeemer
(or their word for such)
page 213 …”
Chp 19: Sgt CJ’s ET warning…
Chp 20: chapter sealed to readers of the
Chp 21:
page 251….”Hopi…the
days would come when the people would be gathered in the center of the land in
a place of refuge…new Jerusalem”
page 253….”last global
shaking event will be triggered by someone arriving at Earth from the stars in
a large floating house”
page 259….”Native
Americans are not the Remnant of Jacob…remnants of Jacob are the Purifiers of
Hopi prophecy”
Chp 22:
page 261….”Book of Jacob….House of
page 261….”they will
return in a manner that will cause the artic ice to flow down at their
presence. Their restoration will rival
the Exodus of Egypt.”
page 269….”Wulfila was an Arian Presbyter…godhead comprised of three
separate and distinct individuals…Arian Controversy”
Chp 23:
page 274….”Knights Templer…freemasonry is based upon the ritualistic knowledge
obtained from.” ( a book found from one of the
interior rooms under the temple mount: They memorized the book then destroyed
it not wanting to have it fall into the wrong hands) ….”The knowledge of the
Teutonic Order was much different…the Knights of the Teutonic Order…was an
integral part of Nazi belief”
page 276… Die Herren Vom Schwarsen
Stein (The Lords of the Black Stone) Nazi SS
Chp 24:
page 297….”coordinates
33.33° north by 33.33° East…Mount Hermon.. the arrival of the watchers”
“…Maria (Maria Orsic: complete story in this
chapter not highlighted in these notes)..communicated
with were from a star system called Aldebaran”
page 300…”the cancer
that was once the Nazi organization has become the
Chp 25:
(includes The Hidden Diary: Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s log for flight to
inner earth/antartica
page 303….”new generation…swastika engulfed
in the sun...will be righteous and use the technology they have obtained for
good…assist the Remnant of Jacob in purifying
Chp 26:
page 323…(message
from The Lady/the queen of heaven, to Chris Bledsoe)…”Easter of 2026, an event
would occur that would transform the world and bring it into a new age of
page 331…”the Queen of
Heaven, was the epitome of anything –goes acceptance…gender fluidity”
page 332…”tolerance and
love give way to indulgence, then indulgence becomes a calibration, and then
the calibration ends in divine destruction. This pattern has always been the
page 341…”not shocked
that demons can heal…the hour is far later than many suppose. The Day of the Gentiles is coming to an end”
page 343…”US Government
are already aligning themselves with the coming powers.”
page 346-347 …”When Biden is removed, the three heads of the eagle will assume
the nation’s governance. ... obtained their power very
differently than those that came before them. … the eagle’s three heads will be
plucked up by…the latter day antichrist…Easter 2026 might see a staged return
of “Christ” and His “Mother” … she needed the Pope? … the
Pope already knows about this. …arrival is softened …godlike Madonna figure…
swoops into our society and gathers the poor, the oppressed, the gay, the
transgender, the non-binary, the drag queens, and minor-attracted huddled
Chp 27: God will eliminate the secret
combination (Whore) from US Government 2: Neph1 10:15-16. (by Easter 2027)
1st eagle head will take power and die prior to
(from my Audio review session notes I have:
“update coming from flesh out the Rapture/gathering vs resurrection…” I’m not seeing that in the book: Maybe others can find it or it was simply a
concern/area I was focused on during the first go, via audio for this book)
page 352…”2020 elections were stolen…
prophecy of Ezra’s Eagle predicted that something like this would happen.”
page 353…”each short-feather…shrouded by
conspiracy…combine these with the rise and fall of someone like Jeffery Epstein
… Whore of Babylon… secret combinations have usurped the country’s governance.”
page 354 …”Joe Biden …removed … two Republican hopefuls are removed ( in
my mind these don’t have to be republican they could be anyone standing in the
way of their power)
page 357 …”This false flag event and subsequent war in the
page 358 …”this dynamic
duo will have formed a consortium of power of their own, consisting of ten
world leaders. … In a single hour, the Whore of Babylon is destroyed.”
Page 359-340 …”if we are ejected from our
homes, it will not be possible for us to carry our food storage with us. … we must be
spiritual prepared to rely solely upon the Lord for our survival.”
<<<<<<<<<<<< Book of Enoch
Vol.2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Updates from Audio
book started
Chp 1: Parables. The title “Son of Man” in NT
comes from the Book of Enoch teachings
Chp 2: The Holy Race. The Supernatural
return/restoration of the House of Israel.
Ten tribes become two groups. One dispersed into
Christ administered to other worlds.
Zion will be restored within this decade.
Chp 3: Those Who Sleep Not.
God of gods? Christ the “only
begotten son”(phanuel: פְּנוּאֵל or פְּנִיאֵל)
Chp 4: The Family Business.
God the father was the Christ for a
previous 2.555 Billion year cycle of salvation (COS) and Jesus in our cycle did
the same thing God the father did in His previous cycle of salvation. The Holy Ghost is the next Christ (Jesus
only begotten for the next cycle of salvation?) Christ learned the things of
God the father serving as the Holy ghost for the previous cycle of salvation (? Need to
verify this from the book: I’m confused
…. need the
book…???) Is the current Holy Ghost the only begotten of Christ?
Adoption process’ …. Need the book…..
For: “As man now is, God once was:
“As God now is, man may be.”1 (God is
Christ not God the father)….
Chp 5: Glory and Power.
Chp 6: The Epiphany of Nichodemus.
Salvation is built upon personal revelation
through the Holy Ghost
Chp 7: Lady Wisdom.
Lady Wisdom, the new name of an old known
entity (Reference Volume one: The Lady/the queen of heaven), will play a key
part of the latter day work.
She chose to not participate in this life
(2nd estate)
but become part of another realm.
Chp 8: Starships and Rumors of Starships.
ET Phone home…
On, Evident Footprints with Don Nicoloff,
a show airing on BBS Radio
Chp 9: Lightning Among the Stars.
Learn to follow the Spirit
Chp 10: The Righteous Will Inherit the Earth.
Parts of the earth that have been removed
are larger than the current size of the earth.
Chp 11: The Hidden Son.
Each will need to know the Son to be saved
Chp 12: Judge of Nations.
The Rapture is the brining of the righteous
to the New Jerusalem in
Chp 13: A Strange Dream.
Chp 14: The End and the Begining.
Chp 15: His Arm is Outstreached
Need the book for this section. Deep….
Chp 16: The Third Parable.
Works are needed to obtain the blessings of
Chp 17: The Son of
Christ’s true identity has been hidden from
the world and will remain a mystery
Origin of the title “Son of Man” is from
the book of Enoch
Chp 18: The Coming of the Son of Man - D&C
day of redemption shall come, and also the restoration of the scattered
(signs ) needed from the book….
Chp 19: Holy Men We Know Not of - D&C 49.
8 Wherefore, I will that all men shall repent, for
all are under sin, except those which I have reserved unto myself, holy men that ye know not of. ….Warriors coming to purify
the land for 5 months. Upon my
house 1/3 purge (
“22 …..the
Son of Man cometh not in the form of a woman, neither of a man
traveling on the earth.” A
shaking of the earth will be done by a divine feminine and a wondering man…
Chp 20: Laying the Cornerstone - D&C 58.
Chp 21: The Destroyer - D&C 61.
John curses the water to protect
Chp 22: Astounding - D&C 63.
Chp 23: Three in One. (D&C 64,65,68)
64:23, …he that is tithed shall not be burned at his coming.
68:11, …unto
you it shall be given to know the signs of the times, and the signs of the coming of the Son of Man;
Chp 24: Kingdoms of Glory (D&C 76).
54, “…They
are they who are the church of the Firstborn….”
Chp 25: The House of God (D&C 109).
Chp 26: There will be Trials.
Fear not
what man can do…All things work for your good
Chp 27: The Saints of Ramus, IL
D&C 130 & 131.
7, “..all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord.” 8, “…a great Urim and Thummim.”
Chp 28: The Ramifications of Ramus.
Daniel’s vs John’s beasts…. John’s beasts represent future events
only. The beasts in heaven are actual
beats vs beast coming from the sea was a symbol or
image only. In the future the heavenly
beast will actually come to earth… The beast that is wounded is an actual beast
from Heaven.
Starwars bar seen….
Break away
Mormon levitation device and
things portals….
John cursing
the water for a protection of Zion
Chp 29: Supernatural.
<<<<<<<<<<<< Book of Enoch
Vol.3, The Lions Are Coming (Delivered
Chp 1: Fragments from the Book of Noah
The Lord
said He would do another new thing upon the Earth in the last days (Isaiah
28:21, 43:19, D&C 94:4, 101:95 Joel 1:2)
Other books
would come forth that would enable His writings to be understood.
Enoch’s city
was the first to ascend .. not the only one.
Chp 2: The heavens will shake
Christ does
not say that He will give the saints the writings of the brother of Jared…He
will manfest the things the brother of Jared saw by
unfolding His revelations.
Chp 3: The Ancient of Days
Michael was
the great general….John and all the host of
beast will reign in
As the powers rise… Michael
will step in to intervene.
Shaking of the
earth… from restoration of former fragments of the earth..
Lost tribes last… now first conclude with the city of Enoch.
Chp 4: The Terrifying Hosts of Heaven
beasts coming to the Earth and devouring its inhabitants…portals that will
bring Leviathan and Behemoth to Earth…Leviathan will be relevant to the events
of the last days…Once the Antichrist and his cohorts are driven from America,
dragons will be reintroduced to the world…these creatures will first appear on
the North American continent… from there they will go forth…saints will be
preserved by the miraculous hand of God.
Chp 5: Isaiah and the Leviathan
covenant…the family
…the new
morality anything goes…
Chp 6: The Holy Race- Above and Below
events…divine aids…sustain the righteous through the days of trial
organization with global reach and vast resources… the whore of
The Whore of
Babylon will openly usurp the people’s power….Satan will use the Antichrist and
the beast to destroy the Whore of Babylon.
Chp 7: Additional Helpers
Holy races
from both above and within the earth return… another group our own righteous
…Why do they
not know them?...they have relied on the teachings of
men rather than promptings of the Holy Spirit
Chp 8: The Ascension of Christ and the Enuma
Chp 9: The pride of
Chp 10: Daniel’s Missing Chapter
Chp 11: The Classes of Heavenly beings
Book of Mormon
reflects the polytheism of
Chp 12: The true nature of the Multiverse
have received messengers—both genuine and fraudulent…must learn to discern truth
for themeselves
Household of
God is not defined by pedigree but by agency…. We chose our own orbits.
Chp 13: The rise of the hidden son
Be about a month
and a half between the fall of
The Mormons’
worship a different Jesus than us!... They (common Christians)
worship Ba’al a savior of their own making.
Chp 14: Noah’s vision of the Watchers
Not because God
does no hear our prayers, but because He will act in our best interest
Sacrifice to
demons…transmutation of metals
Native American…human
sacrifice…Skinwalker rituals
Modern-day Watchers….
Turn our world upside down… powers long since hidden will come to the fore… Not
all…evil…. Used to deceive and defraud.
The reason so
few survive… so many will be deceived by the miraculous powers and deceptions of
the coming day.
Restriction upon the angels of destruction in the last days…not
to harm… the seal of God upon their foreheads.
Chp 15: The third wave
Belial… “worthless”… regard to our salvation
Chp 16: The Oath and the Covenant
Lord Has His
own mysteries….his mysteries ennoble the soul, whereas those of the Watchers debase
and defile.
This oath and
covenant of the priesthood represents the highest and greatest mystery of God.
There is only
one covenant path
Noah was raised
aloft on the chariots of the spirit, and from that day forward no longer dwelt among
the living.
Chp 17: The book of the Luminaries
Portals used
for travel
Chp 18: The Enochian Covenant
Chp 19: Epic Vision Part I Prediluvian
Chp 20: Epic Vision Part
II The House of Israel
Chp 21: Epic Vision Part III 70 Shepherds
Chp 22: Unto the last Generations Part IV
Chp 23: The Ten Week Prophecy
Chp 24: Woes and Warnings
Chp 25: The Promised Books
Chp 26: Launchpads
Appendix one The book of the Luminaries
Enoch Book Notes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
volumes From:
<> I see your
latest book (Book of Enoch) has Volume 1 on
it.... How many do you see this becoming |
tend to use that word in the context of dimensions. I hope that there are
not parallel realities, having one of me is exhausting enough! From:
<> Also: what is
your intent of the use of the word Multiverse? |
BOE Vol 3
Vol III will conclude the Enoch series. It is awesome. Probably
will be available around November. |
<<<<< insights/questions from Book
Lessons learned from Book of Enoch
Free agency is one of the highest levels of law
(so what is highest?)... (only to the point where 8 people
are saved, as in the flood, that God will allow ETs
to corrupt the earth: What does it take for God to overide
Free Agency?)
Delegates His works of judgemnt/protection
to others I.E. Enoch and Melkezadik(s)
run by Wizzardry 101
spells (off spring of watchers) to Grad level dabar
words by Enoch (moving mountains)
Are the greek Gods by
products (Mans attempt to understand) the results of the Watchers works.
latter-day Servant figures
Sons of Light:
MARRED SERVANT : Joseph smith is the marred servant…(chapt 18)
<<< Isaiah 11 >>>>
Rod: A servant with Much Power: Captain Moroni like
individual, from returned lost 10 tribes, leading the Army
Stem: Jesus Christ
Branch: Rebuilder of the Jerusalem
Temple. Davidic King (“…Not sure if He comes with the lost 10 or prior..”)
Root: John The revelator
Lion of Jacob:
a powerful force to rebuff this wickedness that will come to
our rescue from the north (D&C 133:26-35)
returning 10 tribes will redeem America from the antichrist and restore the US
constitution law…
10 tribes
reside on an Enoch like separated location from the earth, and will returning
out of the north to the people of Ephraim, to the everlasting hills
Email from Michael…By the time the antichrist
moves on Israel, the Remnant of Jacob will have decimated his forces, wiping
out more than 80% of his army. This is what is meant by the beginning of the Gog and Magog vision in Ezekiel
39:2 and Daniel 11:29-30
On 2022-11-18 07:00, wrote:
Question came up listening to Chapter 11
(a-remnant-shall-return). With this great Lion of Jacob Army liberating
America, why don't they assist in the Gog/Magog war
in Israel?
City of
City of
144,000 not coming from our ranks.
Resurrected beings, already called, that will return to the earth. (Rev
Book: Page 111-114)
latter-day Evil figures
The Great and Abominable Church / The Whore of
The secret combination led deep state US
is the Whore?
“..ten kings
will destroy the whore..” (Chpt 3:page
a-remnant-shall-return) Rev 17:16-17
Sons of Darkness:
3 of the 10 horns of the beast (Eagle
heads) are removed by the little/stout horn (Antichrist) and will rise to power
in America and make war with the saints.
The Lion (10 tribes/GMW) will drive Him out of
Gods…”…the mysterious entity “they” that
will come in the days following Ezra’s Eagle…”
“…they will
rise to power by mingling among the “seed of men”, but not cleaving to them…the gods
and men that are combined together to fight against the House of Israel in the
last days..”
Watchers/Wormwood (Rev
Book: Page 130-141)
the mouth by John, Assyrian by Isaiah
Will set Himself up in LDS
temples as God…(Chapt 34 a-remnant-shall-return)
All (Homes, food etc) will be taken from the saints: (Chapt 34 a-remnant-shall-return)
silver, food storage—for any of these to benefit you, they need to remain in
your possession. When such a day comes, will you choose Christ in the face of
certain death or poverty? Those will be bleak days to be sure. If we cannot
take with us our possessions, it stands to reason that we will be hard pressed
to provide for our families and ourselves, and herein is the whole point of the
matter. In those days, we will not be able to provide for ourselves, we must
rely wholly upon the Lord for our existence, just as the children of Israel did
anciently as they wandered in desolate deserts.
assures us that He will deliver us, and guide us through those troubled days,
but our faith must remain strong. How difficult will it be for you to remain
faithful when your children are starving? When the only thing
keeping you from food, clothing and shelter is your faith in Jesus Christ.
Deny the Christ and prosper, follow Him and become destitute. The prospects are
truly sobering.…”
“… These
days of trial are not some inconvenient catastrophe that befalls the Saints in
the last days. It is an orchestrated event that has been known by the Lord from
the beginning. Its purpose is to purge the earth in preparation of the
millennial reign of Jesus Christ upon the earth. We know from the
mini-millennial period that occurred in ancient America after the
administration of Jesus Christ, that every individual that makes it through the
trials of that day will be exalted, not a soul will be lost. This is the
reason for the incredible purge that will take place. Only those whose faith in
the Son of God is unshakable will abide that day. The reward is too great for
those whose faith is insufficient to merit such a rich reward….”
gathering /return
House of Joseph: Ephraim (to include Righteous Gentiles) and Manasseh
Jews: also scattered in the world but kept their identity
10 tribes: Remnant of Jacob, one body to the north countries
Scattered Israel: scattered into the world not one body.
Gentile: Non- Jewish,
righteous and wicked…
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Prout reply
Hi Clint,
good morning mate
to your question
Very perceptive Clint. These 2 questions are the only ones standing out to me
as well. Most all other questions have been answered. I'm going to write this
information to the whole group. They need to know too.
1. Labels on Wings - "good" vs "bad
secret combinations" - Obviously with Biden,
there is a problem with the definition of the Wings...Left vs
Right. For on the surface understanding, Biden busts
this current definition.
HOWEVER, textually in the prophecy, there hasn't been anything broken at all.
Remember, our group now has 7 years of understanding of Ezra's Eagle behind us.
I'm thinking the correct definition is simply an understanding that the Left
Wing did what the 3 Eagle Heads they could stay asleep (behind the
...yet, the Right Wing bucks them.
It is easy to see how Trump #1 and Trump #3 and Trump's Son #4 buck them. The
material even says that specifically. They "take rule unto
It was always "assumed" that the #2 Short Feather on
the Right Wing would be like the #1, because it was on the Right Wing as well. But, no...obviously not. There will be some curveballs of
understanding this material completely.
However, textually Ezra's Eagle is perfect. Because all it says about #2 is
that he will rule shorter than #1. That is all.
And because #2 resides on the Right Wing as well....and IF we have the correct
definition of the Right Wing as "bucking the 3 Eagle Heads," then
even Biden before he leaves office will turn and bite
the hand that feeds him. Biden will buck the orders
of the 3 Eagle Heads.
Even right now in June and July of 2024 we are seeing this trend come to pass.
He won't get out of office.
It took him a month of saying, "NO" to them to get him out of the campaign.
This gives the opportunity wide open for the 3 Eagle Heads to remove Biden's power against his will using the 25th Amendment
with betrayal by the Vice President, as we wrote about in August 2023
"Last Days" Timeline Newsletter (1 year ago). The "witch in the
Whitehouse" attempt is incoming.
Remember, Acting Presidents don't count as full Presidents as per Ezra's Eagle.
Thus, everything is on track, as it should be right now.
2. Trump as #1 and #3 Short Feather - I could see this issue happening about
3.5 years ago. I believe the real question is, "How can one person serve
as 2 feathers?"
I believe this is the next curveball we are going to see in Ezra's Eagle.
The first curveball we had to deal with was Trump becoming a Short Feather by a
new example. Something other than assassination (JFK) and
resignation (Nixon).
The new example of creating a short feather was "election problems."
This curveball was unexpected as per the "assumptions" of Ezra's
Eagle before the point that it happened.
Heck, even to the last moment as Biden was being
sworn into office on
So, textually Ezra's Eagle is perfect. Just a curveball as to
our "assumed" definitions that lay on top of the exact text.
Will we see curveballs in the future? I would have to say yes...Why? because we have seen them already.
The next curveball that coming up seems to be #3 Short Feather
is the same man as #1 Short Feather. And I've been analyzing this situation for
3.5 years.
I don't see another way to put a Trumpian (of any
exact person) into the Whitehouse WITHOUT it being Donald Trump himself.
It was always thought of as 2 main possibilities.
1. (a few years
ago, because we had the time...) The Supreme Court would rule on "election
problems" because of circumstances caused by the BIG Release. Donald Trump
would be reinstated.
Satisfying the #2 Short Feather is less time than the
#1 material.
2. (now, because we have less time to go for the 4 years of Biden
are only 6 months to completion...) Donald Trump will win the 2024 election
(which is in prophecy), also based on circumstances caused by the BIG Release.
But, Biden is removed from office against his
will via the 25th Amendment by betrayal from his Vice President.
Satisfying the #2 Short Feather is less time than the #1
In the Kim Clement material, there was a veil placed on
In this scenario, The Bidenistas Administration would
retain governmental power until the end of the full 4 year term. But, Biden himself would not. Because
of the 25th Amendment. He would be stripped of Presidential power for
several months and there would be a squabble over it for a time...with the Vice
President "witch in the Whitehouse" attempt. Notice the word
"attempt." Why? Because she will fail to fully hold that power. Biden gets it back near the very end of his term.
Biden himself also has a change of heart. And will
eventually acknowledge Jesus Christ.
Why would he do that? Because the BIG Release has already
happened. The people have woken up fully. And the Democrat Party has
already failed big time. (and soon after that, the
Republican Party fails even bigger. Never to return. Relegated to the 3rd party status. The youth rising up
create the centrist New Party that beats everyone. It takes 4 years to complete
their sweep. (2026mid, 2028pres, 2030mid)
This #2 scenario looks exactly like the trends are heading in right now.
There will be surprises in this process. BUT, the overall large trends are
already IN. Most all of them.
Keep reading. That information will help everyone in our group.
Thanks mate
James Prout